B1: Very high resolution modelling (Co-chairs: Filippo Giorgi & Markku Rummukainen)
- Convection permitting simulations
- Gridded statistical downscaling
- Evaluation data for very high resolution models
- Cross comparisons and links of GCM, RCM and statistical downscaling, for very high resolution
- 14:00 - Andreas Prein (invited speaker): Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- 14:30 - Daniel Argueso: Does convection-permitting resolution improve simulated precipitation in the Maritime Continent?
- 14:45 - Michel Déqué: Extreme rainfall in South East France: convection resolving simulation versus EuroCordex approach
- 15:00 - Sebastian Knist: Added value and land-atmosphere coupling in convection-permitting WRF climate simulations over a Middle European domain
- 15:45 - Edoardo Bucchignani: Estimation of sensitivity and added value of climate simulations for the Israeli region using COSMO-CLM with three nested domains
- 16:00 - Yamina Silva: High resolution modeling to understand the physical processes relating to rainfall in the Mantaro basin (central Peruvian Andes) using WRF
- 16:15 - Thomas Schwitalla: Convection permitting latitude belt simulation using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model
- 16:30 - Christoph Schär: European-Scale Convection-Resolving Climate Modeling
- 16:45 - Ethan Gutmann: High Resolution Climate Modeling of the Water Cycle over the Contiguous United States Including Potential Climate Change Scenarios
B2: Human-climate regional interactions, towards RESMs (Co-chairs: Chris Lennard & Fredolin Tangang)
- High resolution coupling of regional climate and coastal megacities
- Bridging activity with urban parameterisation community
- Land use change
- Regional integrated assessment models
Notes from Session B2 are available here.
- 14:00 - Diana Rechid (invited speaker): EURO-CORDEX-LUC: A new initiative on coordinated regional land use change experiments
- 14:30 - Rafiq Hamdi: Future climate of Brussels and Paris for the 2050s under the A1B scenario
- 14:45 - Marta Llopart: The role of land use change over Amazon Forest in simulating climatology and extreme hydroclimatic indices
- 15:00 - Michal Belda: Urban climate - air quality interactions in regional scale over Central Europe
- 15:45 - Gamil Gamal Abd El-Motey: Impacts of land use change and horizontal resolution in local climate by RegCM4 model
- 16:00 - Kirsten Warrach-Sagi: An Integrated Land System Model System to study soil-vegetation-atmosphere feedbacks in agricultural landscapes under climate change
- 16:15 - Solmon Fabien: Regional climate-chemistry simulations over the MED-CORDEX domain
- 16:30 - Gustav Strandberg: Biogeophysical effects from land-cover changes in Europe
- 16:45 - Tianbao Zhao: Contributions of anthropogenic and external natural forcings to climate changes over China based on CMIP5 model simulations
B3: A focus on ESD specific opportunities (Co-chairs: Bertrand Timbal & Tannecia Stephenson)
- Local/point scale statistical downscaling
- Variables not simulated by dynamical models
- Opportunities for overcoming computer infrastructure barrier
- Multi-variant statistical downscaling
Notes from Session B3 are available here.
- 14:00 - Douglas Maraun (invited speaker): VALUE perfect predictor validation results, part 2: spatial, multivariate and process-based aspects
- 14:30 - Lalu Das: Selection of suitable predictors and predictor domain for statistical downscaling: A case study over the Western Himalayan region of India
- 14:45 - Malgorzata Liszewska: Climate change scenarios for low carbon agriculture in Poland based on EURO-CORDEX (EUR-11) simulations
- 15:00 - Koji Dairaku: High resolution probabilistic regional climate projection using a regression method with multi-model ensemble
- 15:45 - Rasmus Benestad: PCA-based strategy to represent stations for empirical-statistical downscaling
- 16:00 - Gustavo De la Cruz: Future precipitation in central Andes of Peru
- 16:15 - Maria Bettolli: Statistical downscaling of daily precipitation in the Argentine Pampas region
- 16:30 - Frank Kreienkamp: Results from a downscaled Multi-GCM-Ensemble using the ESD-method EPISODES
- 16:45 - Motoki Nishimori : On the bias correction for regression-based ESD result for multi agro-meteorological elements over Japan and their comparing with RCMs results